Are you looking for immersive gorilla safaris and wildlife adventures in Africa? Come with us on captivating gorilla safaris in Uganda and Rwanda. These two countries in East Africa provide a unique and unmatched chance to witness the magnificent mountain gorillas in their natural sanctuary. Gorilla trekking safaris have become a must-do activity for people who love wildlife, seek adventure, and admire nature. Imagine being surrounded by the lush landscapes of Uganda and Rwanda as you get up close to these magnificent creatures – it’s like stepping into a world of amazement.

For unforgettable gorilla safaris and primate experiences, meticulous planning is key. Both Uganda and Rwanda offer well-regulated and guided treks that prioritize the safety of visitors and the protection of gorillas. Gorilla Permits are required for gorilla trekking and are in limited supply, so booking in advance is essential. Additionally, remember to pack sturdy hiking gear, comfortable clothing, and a sense of adventure.

If you’re thinking about visiting gorillas in Uganda or Rwanda, let Encounter Africa be your guide for this once-in-a-lifetime journey. Our tours are designed to complement other wildlife experiences, and we’re committed to tailoring each safari package to your preferences and style. Have a look at the gorilla safari packages below for some exciting ideas.

Known as the “Pearl of Africa,” Uganda boasts a rich diversity of flora and fauna, providing a perfect setting for Uganda gorilla safaris with a mix of classic wildlife viewing tours. The renowned Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park is home to approximately half of the world’s remaining mountain gorilla population. 

Imagine trekking through dense forests, guided by experienced rangers, as you track gorilla families in their natural habitat. The heartwarming sight of gorillas interacting, playing, and foraging is an experience that will forever be etched in your memory.

Looking for Rwanda Gorilla safaris in Volcanoes National Parlk? In neighboring Rwanda, Volcanoes National Park stands as a testament to the country’s commitment to gorilla conservation. The rolling hills and mist-covered mountains create an ethereal atmosphere for gorilla trekking safaris. Encountering a gorilla family nestled amidst the foliage is a truly awe-inspiring encounter. 

The park’s well-organized treks and sustainable tourism practices ensure that your experience enriches your soul and contributes to protecting these endangered species.

Early Bird Safari Discounts for 2024-2025

Take a budget Gorilla trip into Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park to trek Mountain Gorillas and stay in Budget Cost Gorilla Lodges and Camps.