A sustainable Development of Local Community

Pollinators is all about the community, and everything they do translates into a better future for the locals. While on your Rwanda tours, come to see Pollinators promotes a healthy and exciting exchange of ideas and resources between Rwandans and their guests.
The Pollinators Intercultural Exchange program is a platform for members of the local community with unique talents to join hands and put together exciting shows and activities for our visitors. A large variety of cultural tourism and ecotourism-based activities are staged at Pollinators throughout the week, including traditional folk music and dance, art exhibitions, handcraft presentations and other fun activities and events.
Locals and visitors alike enjoy spending time at Pollinators and learning from each other. They do so knowing that this cultural exchange is of great benefit to all. Thanks to programs like this, the locals enjoy not only economic advantages, but also the peace of mind that comes with every new effort to preserve their culture and their natural endowment for a sustainable future. Join Rwagasabo Safaris on exciting cultural and ecotourism adventures that are community-based, engaging, and memorable.
We encourage you to explore the ways in which we at Pollinators Enrich our community using the links below:

1. Coffee Farming &Preparation Experience
2. Bee Hive & Honey Processing Experience
3. Traditional Cuisine & Local food (Cooking &Tasting) Experience
4. Cultural Heritage& Agaseke HandCrafts Experience
5. Agriculture Tour &Banana Juice & Beer and Sorghum Beer Experience ,
6. Traditional Dancing and Drumming Experience
7. Local endangered Plant species & Medicinal Plants Experience.
8. Community Life ( Live like Locals) at Pollinators

9. Heritage and Pastoralism at Rwagasabo Safaris
10. Home Host &Stay, Meet, interact with Locals and Village walks
11. Guided Hikes and Nature walks Experience
12. Guided Hiking, Mountain Biking, Camping& Night fire Experience around Lake Muhazi( Get a Quote)
12. Guided Birdwatching and Nature Walks Tour

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