Heritage and Pastoralism at Rwagasabo Safaris, Rwanda

Heritage and Pastoralism at Rwagasabo Safaris
This will surely be a memorable activity during your Rwanda tour with Rwagasabo Safaris. Animal husbandry is a way of life for many Rwandan families. While not all can afford to keep livestock, those who do are happy for you to spend time with them. Be Rwagasabo Safari’s guest and take a closer look at country life in Rwanda during this fun ecotourism adventure.
Why This Rwanda Tour Is A Must
The pastoralist culture dates back to the time of the Rwandan Kings. It’s still practiced in many parts of our community. Spending time in the villages, even if only for a few hours, offers unique insights into the culture and the significance of livestock here in Rwanda.
What To Expect On this Tour
Learn about Rwandan cows and their impact on family life here through history. Find out about the value of local cows like the gentle Inyambo. See how they have and continue to be used in cultural festivals, in everyday chores, and even as dowry. Learn about the “King’s Cattle,” as the cows with the longest horns, reserved for royalty, became known.
Book Your Rwanda Tour
Contact Rwagasabo Safaris to learn more about this fascinating tour in Rwanda and how to add this to list of adventures in Africa!