The “Pollinators” A Local Community Development Program

The COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged local communities in all areas of human life, socially and economically, creating distress and worsening mental health issues, further triggered by social and economic obstacles. This has resulted in a loss of income and jobs, Depression, marriage breakdowns due to financial crises, School dropouts, and unwanted pregnancies among teenagers, thus causing many people to indulge in alcohol and drug use, anxiety, and sadly in some cases suicide.

Therefore, Facing, our contribution to the Community to overcome all these life issues and what they have gone through during that unexpected pandemic Period, we Initiated “Pollinators” a Local Community Conservation Education Program to promote Community Based Tourism Projects, Protect Endemic &Native Medicinal & wildflowers and Restoring endangered Medicinal&Wildflower species. In addition to this, one of our mission was to find solutions to climate change so that future generations have a world with thriving habitats and wildlife. It’s a huge challenge, but there is hope if we all act together.

We’re working with Rwagasabo Safaris to Promote a sustainable development of Local Communities, to protect and restore Pollinators habitats in Rwanda Through supporting Community Based Tourism &Conservation projects in 2 key regions of Muhazi Lake Buffer Zone : Gasabo District, Rwamagana District and 1 region of Akagera river catchment: Bugesera District, with the aim of restoring 300square km of wildflower habitats by 2030.
Our work to restore Pollinator habitats around Rwanda includes creating Wildflower nurseries and seed banks for endangered species and supporting iconic plant species. Alongside our conservation work, we’re also asking you to help us bring nature back by turning a corner of your garden, home or local community into a nature-friendly wildflower haven. Adding native wildflowers into a small area of your garden or local community can help provide more food for pollinators like Birds, bees, and butterflies, as well as other insects. Find out more about our Wildflower restoration work.

Tourism, conservation, and community-based ecotourism are the key drivers of our country’s prosperity. With this in mind, Rwagasabo Safaris implements a resourceful Community Program that underscores its mission to support the local community. From gorilla trekking in Rwanda to education tours in East Africa’s national parks, and from cultural activities such as basket weaving, dance and drumming lessons, and village walks to agricultural tours and guided hikes. Rwagasabo Safaris Rwanda has developed an intimate partnership with locals in our communities, researchers, conservationists, and of course, tourists visiting the region, to promote sustainable tourism to support local economic growth, development, and conservation initiatives.

We encourage you to explore the ways in which we at Pollinators Enrich our community using the links below:

1. Coffee Farming &Preparation Experience
2. Bee Hive & Honey Processing Experience
3. Traditional Cuisine & Local food (Cooking &Tasting) Experience
4. Cultural Heritage& Agaseke HandCrafts Experience
5. Agriculture Tour &Banana Juice & Beer and Sorghum Beer Experience ,
6. Traditional Dancing and Drumming Experience
7. Local endangered Plant species & Medicinal Plants Experience.
8. Community Life ( Live like Locals) at Pollinators

9. Heritage and Pastoralism at Rwagasabo Safaris
10. Home Host &Stay, Meet, interact with Locals and Village walks
11. Guided Hikes and Nature walks Experience
12. Guided Hiking, Mountain Biking, Camping& Night fire Experience around Lake Muhazi( Get a Quote)
12. Guided Birdwatching and Nature Walks Tour

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. Ubumuntu(Humanity) Project, is the Introduction of the Trauma and Depression Therapy Project through the Arts, Music, Dance, and the live like locals’ experience

We will raise awareness and offer:

support for: bereavement, depression, adult and child PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) applying a combination of approaches from: narrative therapy, psychotherapy, psychodynamic therapy, counseling, and CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy).

We decided to use:  Creative arts in this way as an aid to understanding the various treatment goals and to carefully select creative arts activities that can support this process.

Our creative Arts in Therapy offers either: one-hour 1:1 sessions or two-hour closed
group sessions per week.

All sessions are confidential and run by experienced local social workers trained to conduct arts-based activities in psychotherapeutic practice, specifically for traumatized persons within our community. The treatment model for traumatized individuals focuses
on establishing safety, and activities such as including locals to reflect on each other’s dancing to increase the connection between group members.

We believe this will play a vital role in helping and understanding individual and collective trauma in communities.

We promote environmental protection and climate change action by raising community awareness and curiosity toward the vitality of environmental protection and management. We believe that the success of a community and its environment are inextricably linked. Our
Environmental Conservation Initiative includes community education; action, research; volunteer opportunities, and pathing the way for environmentally conscious tourism for development.

.Tree generation Project ( imagine if a tree was Wi-Fi?) This is a Conservation Education Project Promoting the culture of tree plantation and the Role of pollinators in Ecosystem Services.


Tourism, conservation, and community-based ecotourism are the key drivers of our country’s prosperity. With this in mind, Rwagasabo Safaris implements a resourceful Community Program that underscores its mission to support the local community. From gorilla trekking in Rwanda to education tours in Central Africa’s national parks, and from cultural activities such as basket weaving, dance and drumming lessons, and village walks to agricultural tours and guided hikes in Rwagasabo Safaris Rwanda, we have partnered with locals in our communities, researchers, conservationists, and of course, tourists visiting the region, to promote sustainable tourism to support local economic growth, development, and conservation initiatives.

“Pollinators” is all about the community, and everything they do translates into a better future for the locals. While on your Rwanda tours, come to see Pollinators promote a healthy and exciting exchange of ideas and resources between Rwandans and their guests.

The Pollinators Intercultural Exchange program is a platform for members of the local community with unique talents to join hands and put together exciting shows and activities for our visitors. A large variety of cultural tourism and ecotourism-based activities are staged at
Pollinators throughout the week, including traditional folk music and dance, art exhibitions, handcraft presentations, jewellery displays, and other fun activities and events.

Locals and visitors alike enjoy spending time at Pollinators and learning from each other. They do so knowing that this cultural exchange is of great benefit to all. The locals enjoy not only economic advantages but also the peace of mind that comes with every new effort to preserve their culture and their natural endowment for a sustainable future.

Join Rwagasabo Safaris on exciting cultural and ecotourism adventures that are community-based, engaging, and memorable.

.Agritourism Project Promoting Local Coffee farmers, Traditional Cuisine & Local food Cooking; Bee Keeping &Honey Tour, The preparation of Banana Juice & Wine Experience.

We encourage you to explore how we at Rwagasabo Safaris enrich our community using the links below: